Customer stories

Eleven years ago, Eco-Genics started out as a dry ice cleaning company and quickly diversified to dry ice production, opening-up a number of new opportunities for the business, as they focused on finding the right solutions to meet their clients’ needs.

Person working at home on laptop

When Covid-19 struck, the business was immediately impacted when their suppliers and customers all shut their doors. Eddie Black, founder and managing director, knew that they needed to move quickly and change. Working in an industry that thrives on cleaning, he quickly realised there was an opportunity to not only help during the pandemic, but to sustain the business.

The Invoice Finance facility provided has helped the team to invest in new equipment, processes within the business, training and help secure the business more long-term. 

Their advice to other SMEs? Be prepared to diversify, stay positive, focus your time on what you can get behind and be agile. Watch their full story here.

Find out more about our invoice finance solutions

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