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Why work with us?

  • Loans from £1m to £50m

    We individually assess and price all loans, supporting property developers in England, Wales and mainland Scotland.

  • Maximum of 65% GDV

    We can help with lending up to a maximum of 65% of the gross development value (GDV).

  • VAT loans available

    We have VAT loans available on purchases of land and property elected for VAT.

  • Quick turnaround

    We typically pay out draw-down payments of agreed facility within one working day of receiving request.

Who we fund

We support refurbishment, conversion, and new build residential for either sale or rent, purpose-built student accommodation, and mixed use and commercial pre-let or sold developments located in England Wales, and mainland Scotland.

We can consider lending to experiences property developers including individuals, sole traders, partnerships, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), limited companies and public limited companies (PLCs).

We do not lend on offshore companies (except those registered in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man), clubs or associations.

Colleagues talking at factory

Important documents

Subject to status. Security may be required. Any property or asset used as security may be at risk if you do not repay any debt secured on it.